Wednesday, March 25, 2015

6 Weeks

A six week hiatus? What the hell is wrong with me? Well, actually, I moved over to Tumblr simply because it's a more familiar space for me. But in case you were wondering what has happened in the last six weeks, I will tell you. 

The day after my last post in which no one got accepted, acceptances started coming out. It was a Wednesday. My sister was accepted the following day, on a Thursday. She was accepted for Fall Custodial. She was so excited. She couldn't stop talking about it for three days, although she didn't accept her offer because she was waiting to see if I got accepted so that we could coordinate our check in dates. And then, she changed her mind. My sister turned down her offer. I'm still worried she'll regret it, but she is moving into an apartment with all of her best friends next year and is really excited about it. She wants to wait until she's more mature and capable of being away from home for longer periods of time. She gets homesick just being away at school, and she only goes to school 45 minutes from here. So she wants to give it more time.

And then you might be wondering. What about Natalie? What happened to the girl who was so confident in her interview and only worried about her sister? Well, guess what. Beggars can't be choosers. You cannot have your cake and eat it too. Not everything you want in life will come to you. But then again, good things do come to those who wait. I was accepted a week after my sister, though at that point she had already turned down her offer. I was so sure that I would not accept my offer if one were to come my way, especially if Emily was not going to be accompanying me on my journey to Walt Disney World. But those bastards offered me my number one role. I shit you not. I was offered a role in Concierge. 

Of course, as things are in my life, my choice could not be that easy. I had said from the get-go that I would turn down anything that wasn't Concierge or Hospitality. I mostly said that so I had an excuse to turn it down. Everyone wants those roles and hardly anyone gets them. Well, guess what? I got it. I, a psychology major with no experience in lodging, was offered an incredibly competitive role that I have wanted since my first program. But why would the choice be hard for me? Why, if I wanted this so much, would I hesitate as to whether or not I would accept the offer. 

Well, curious reader, it's because I was offered the Fall Advantage session instead of Fall. I had already missed last summer in Wisconsin. I did not want to miss another. I did not want to have to quit my job so quickly. I did not want to say goodbye to my friends who are all moving away this summer so soon. So I waited. And wondered. And considered. Also, I should mention, I had a job interview at Children's Hospital for a social work position I really wanted. So all of this was going on and I did not know if I would do the college program. It was just not the right timing. Nothing about it was right. I mean, the role was right, but the session was completely wrong for me. 

So guess what I did? 

I accepted because I am a person who lives life recklessly. Plus, it's Disney! It's something that I could never do again. I'm graduating in May. And once I graduate, that's it. I'm done. No more College Program. And I don't think I'm cut out for a full-time career at Disney. Well, not because of Disney but because of Florida. I cannot live in Florida indefinitely. I need an end date, because the weather and the people and the traffic are terrible. 

In short, I have accepted a role in Concierge for Fall Advantage 2015. I move in June 8th. And I'm nervous as hell.