Wednesday, January 28, 2015


I am trying so hard to write a second post to make me seem less like a curmudgeonly asshole old lady, which is how I feel I came off in my first post from earlier today. That is the only reason why I want to post a second post. I want to assure THE WORLD (hah, no one) that I am not as bitter as that sounded. But as I keep drafting my defense, I start on some terrible rant about how terrible the college program actually is. But it's not! If it really was that bad, I wouldn't be doing a second one! Maybe I am just in a bad mood today and that is why I am struggling at being polite.

In other news, I have a phone interview tomorrow for my CP application and a phone interview on Friday for my professional internship application. I would say "Wish me Luck" but that would imply that someone is actually reading this. Okay, now off to my real world that consists of work and not talking to myself on the internet. 

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