Friday, February 6, 2015

I'M (not) GOING TO DISNEYLAND (probably).

I have completed all three of the interviews that I had lined up for three different programs (fall cp, fall PI, and summer alumni program). My fall cp interview and my fall PI interviews both seemed to go pretty well. I am very confident in the CP interview and I feel like I did the best I could have done for my PI interview. What did not go so well was the final interview of the three, my Disneyland Summer Alumni Program interview.

It was a mixture of me being in a bad mood, having had a long, miserable day at school and then having this 10pm CT interview and also that my interviewer made me uncomfortable. So let's focus on her since we all know I have issues taking the blame for anything that goes wrong in my life. She sounded miserable. Absolutely, positively miserable. And everything I said, she sounded annoyed with my response. She would always give me a really condescending "ohhhh-kayyyy"s at the end of every response I had for the questions. And it's not just the "okay" that bugged me, because both my other interviewers did the same thing. I think that is in their script or something, but it was her tone. I was like, please don't do that. Please don't sound like that. Also, one of my questions was "tell me about a time you handled a difficult guest" and I gave her my response and she said "Well, that is one way to handle it." WHAT? WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN, WOMAN?

Also, she called me twenty minutes early. Disney tells you that your interview can start anytime from fifteen minutes before scheduled times and fifteen minutes after scheduled times. But she called me twenty minutes early. It took me so off guard because I had just gotten home from my night class and eating dinner quickly when the phone rang. That wasn't fair to me, I feel like.

Then there is the issue that since I was, technically, in attractions on my first program, she kept asking me attractions related questions, like what would you do if you were in a safety critical position and saw an accident or a guest needed your help. Well, at Innoventions, I had no single moment in my entire eight month long program where I had any experience at all in a safety critical position. And I explained to her what my role was and what I did, and she had no fucking clue what Innoventions was or what went into it. And I know that's not her fault. She seemed to give the impression that she does work mostly for Disneyland and probably lives on that coast, and their Innoventions is completely different, but I wish she had some clue. At least my first interviewer for my fall CP knew what Innoventions was and had some concept of the things that went on there.

And finally, this is definitely a "me" problem but she asked how I worked to create magic for guests in my previous role and what was the most "magical moment" I witnessed at my previous work location. Well, guess what? I saw nothing magical at all. People left Innoventions with dead eyes, void of all emotions, bored and exhausted from having to dodge people hocking their venues like merchants at a flea market. The most magical thing I did my entire program was I wrote a "no strings" for a little girl who lost her pin, and I only did that because I didn't feel like crawling around on my hands and knees trying to find it in a dark Habit Heroes room. So I totally made something up. A family, singing toilet, Vision House. You know, the usual. 

I also had these weird emotions during the entire interview. I wanted to hang up the minute she called, wanted to end the interview several times throughout the course of the entire interview. I just wanted to be done. I was mad at how it went at the end, but not upset that I am probably not going to get it. I didn't even want it at the end. Hell, I don't think I wanted it at the beginning. It was miserable. Absolutely miserable.

Also, this is just a "Disney" thing that I found totally fucking dumb. She told me that the alumni program operates on a longer timeline and that final decisions can and may be made up until May 1st, so I might not hear back until then.  Want to know why this is SO dumb? Because the program starts on May 12th with no other options. So, if, in theory, I did get accepted on May 1st for the program, I would have less than two weeks to get my shit in order and get on my way to check in. That wouldn't even be enough time to give my two weeks. And I know that is the absolute last day and I will probably be NLIC'd before then, but just the fact that is a prospect is annoying. But then again, when I got my "Thank you for interviewing" email last night, it said final decisions would be made by April 24th, but either way. That is really dumb.

Oh well. We'll see what the next four months brings. 

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