Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Miss Me? I'm Assuming Not.

I haven't had much to say lately, which is rare for me. School is consuming me and I am in the middle of this great debate of whether I'm suffering from a severe case of senioritis or the beginning stages of a mental breakdown. I'll let you guys know when all becomes clear as to which it is.

As of right now, Disney has done nothing. Nothing. I have not heard a single thing. I still have not been pended, but I also have not been accepted nor rejected. No one has been accepted yet, as a matter of fact. There is a lot of speculation as to when those things are going to happen. Tomorrow marks week three since the first phone interviews. So we'll shall see what that brings, but everyone was so confident in week two and nothing happened. 

I just wanted to check in, but I have nothing else to say, really. I'm tired of the waiting, because I am pretty sure that I won't accepted the offer if one to make it's way to me. Right now I feel like I need to start being an adult and do things for myself. I need to get myself in order, graduate college, take care of my mental health, and start finding my way in the world. I can't prolong adulthood much longer, because I am driving myself insane with the extended state of adolescence that I have found myself in.

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