Saturday, February 7, 2015

The Mystery of Recruiting

I think it is important to realize that your chances of getting accepted is not impacted by how many times you applied. I see people talking in the Facebook group about how they feel like "first time applicants" never get accepted or that since it is their third (or fourth, or fifth) time applying, they are sure that Disney is going to extend them an offer this time. And here is the cold, hard truth. Disney does not care. Disney does not care if you are applying for the first time, they do not care if you have done three programs already. They don't care. It all matters on how well you interview.

I got accepted the first time I applied, ever. And because of that, it left me with this terrible perception that it's "easy" to get accepted, but on my program I learned that I was wrong. Totally wrong. My friend Blond Luke (not Luke from the previous posts) did not pass his Web-Based Interview the first time he applied (which I thought literally no one failed). My roommate Macie, who is the biggest Disney fan I have ever met, had gotten denied from the program twice and my other roommate Sarah had been denied FOUR TIMES before getting accepted. But Kateland and I were accepted on our first tries out. So was Erin. Erin was an alum when we roomed together and she was 2/2 for on applying/getting accepted. 

But I worked with full/part timers who were former CPs and they would tell me how they had done one CP and then were REJECTED from their second attempt at applying. It all comes down to the interview. But I had worked with other people who had done multiple CPs before going full/part time. One woman I worked with had done three programs and another had done FOUR (which I find really fucking dumb but who am I to talk?). And I understand that people just try to justify what they do not understand. There is hardly any information as to how or why Disney Recruiters determine if someone would be a good fit for the college program. You could scour Google for hours and not find anything that is rooted in solid facts, just second hand information and wild speculation. 

So people try to find their own reasons. Alumni are getting "pended" to give newbies a fighting shot. First time applicants are getting NLIC'd to help give positions to people who have been turned down a couple of times. Baby elephants are given a high priority because baby elephants are cuter than human college students. Whatever. But that's not the case. That's not how it works. I am an alumni and I have not been pended. My sister is a first time applicant and she has made it a week out from her interview without getting pended or NLIC'd. I got accepted on my first time applying, and I applied on a whim. There is no reason, and that is part of the reason why applying for the college program is so terrifying. There is no reason and you have no idea how to help yourself.

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