Wednesday, February 4, 2015


People in the Facebook group are already looking for roommates. In fact, people in the group were already looking for roommates before apps even dropped. Part of me faults them for simply being on top of things, because I am the kind of person who works hard to find fault in nearly everything anyone does. But another part of me feels nervous and bad for them. I have seen this happen before, both on Facebook and Tumblr. Girls (almost always girls) find their dream group of roommates, a lovely bunch of (usually) six girls who are just so "perfect" to room with each other. They are always posting in the group together and on each other's walls, and they talk about each other on Tumblr about how great of a time they are going to have.

And then some of them don't get in. It's usually like, two girls, and they are devastated and their "roommates" who did get it are also devastated, but for a shorter amount of time. The ones who do get it shrug it off after a few days, decide to still room together, and find a couple more girls to round out their "amazing" apartment. And those girls who don't get in slowly fall apart because not only did they not get into their "dream" internship, but they also now just lost the opportunity to be "friends" with people they have convinced themselves are the "best girls in the world." Then, as they are still Facebook friends and/or follow each other on Tumblr, watch as their planned roommates go to check it, and move it, and get their locations, and have so much fun at the most magical place on earth while they're stuck in their small town in bumfuck nowhere Georgia, or something like that. And it's actually really sad to watch.

Trust me, I have followed these kinds of people on Tumblr. They post text posts about it and reblog the "accepted's" pictures with sad captions like, "Wish I could be there with this amazing girl" and things like that. And long after it has appeared that the "accepteds" have moved on, the rejected still sit their brooding because there is nothing to occupy their minds except some silly schoolwork and new episodes of Pretty Little Liars.

So I almost cringe when I see people trying to form these roommate bonds now, before they are accepted. I wanted to shake and them and tell them they are being premature. I want to insist that they think before they act. I want them to just. Fucking. Stop. And think about the consequences if someone in this budding Facebook relationship does not get accepted. But that would be mean. Even suggesting that someone will not get into the program is supposedly cruel. It's like, we're all supposed to act as if everyone gets accepted and act shocked and disappointed when others get the dreaded "No Longer in Consideration" emails.

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