Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Pended to Death

I am so frustrated with the Facebook group. I realize that I do not have all the answers, and I also realize that I just don't care as much as most people in that group, but I am so. Fucking. Done. Hearing about "pended" statuses and what it means. And yes, I know that I have already posted a thing about people getting a "pending a final decision" but whatever. This is my blog that no one reads and I can say WHATEVER I WANT.

Here's the thing on "pending" statuses. They do mean something. Yes, they DO mean something. There are people in the Facebook group right now saying that people "never" go from interview to accepted without being pended. That is 100% false. In fact, most people who get accepted do not get pended. Do you want to know why? Because they were instantly identified as someone who would be a good cast member. And that's not saying that people who are "pended" or NLIC'd would be bad cast members, but Disney just thinks that they are not what they are looking for at that time.

People are pended are usually good, but Disney thinks their might be someone better. And that is a hard pill to swallow. People say that "pending" means that you are in no different position than you were before you got your "pending a final decision" email, but you are! It means that you might not be exactly what they are looking for! They think there might be someone else out there that is better, but there might not so they are just going to wait before giving you a yes or a no. That's what it means! It's like applying to college, some people get accepted, some people get flat out rejected, and some people get waitlisted for a few months before they decide that they could use someone like you or you're just not going to cut it. And that's what I want people to realize.

And its a harsh reality and that is why people don't want to come right out and say it to each other, but it's the fucking truth as far as I see it. There could be someone better than you and Disney wants to wait it out to see if they find that person, and if they don't, you're good enough. 

And yes, I am a bitch. But I'm a bitch with conviction.

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